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Induction Hardening

Induction Hardening Quench hardening in which the heat is generated by electrical induction. Back to Metal Glossary


What is Surface Hardening?

… warp or distort certain parts Scale - The flame hardening process causes a heavy scale to form, often requiring further processing, such as...


How Heat Treatment of Metals Work

… and held there for a prolonged period. This causes fine particles to precipitate out of the alloy solution, which hinders dislocation movement and...

Case Hardening

Case Hardening Hardening a ferrous alloy so that the outer portion, or case, is made substantially harder than the inner portion, or core....

Metal Glossary

… Test Free Machining Full Annealing G Galling Galvanic Corrosion Grain Size Granular Fracture Graphitizing Gray Cast Iron Grinding Cracks Gun Drill H Hammer Forging Hard Chromium Hardenability Hardening Heat-Affected Zone Homogenizing Honing Hot Shortness Hot Top I Immersed Scanning Impact Energy (Impact Value) Impact Test Inclusions Induction


The Difference Between Round Bar and Precision Ground Bar

… is often required to rotate at high speeds. Thus extreme straightness is critical to prevent unwanted vibration and wear on bearings. Precision ground bar...


What is Case Hardening?

… Hardening Methods Case hardening can be performed through several different means. One of the most popular methods for higher carbon steels or...


What Is Tempering?

… been created from prior operations. The Tempering Process Tempering is performed by elevating the steel to a set point below its lower critical temperature, typically...


How Is Tool Steel Made?

… are overcome. A fine, uniform distribution of carbides can be produced using P/M which results in improved machinability in the annealed condition, a...


What is Creep?

… elastic deformation, permanent plastic deformation starts to take place. During the primary creep stage, this deformation occurs more rapidly at first and then...